Playing the Searchlight Rag for my European Friends

OWEN EARL   06 April 2020

Classic Cowboy Music!


This was the final day of my “Cowboy Music for my European Friends” series.

I wanted to go with something simple and fun because last week was a little on the exhausting side of things. I decided to play the Searchlight Rag by Scott Joplin.

Ragtime is defensively a quintessential cowboy genre, and Scott Joplin is often considered the King of ragtime. I’m sure he’ll continue to make appearances here at the Cowboy Collective. This is one of my favorite and lesser known Joplin pieces.

As always, I am more of a composer than performer, so my rendition of this cowboy classic is less than perfect.

If you’d like to see the other two videos in the series:

Here is the first post in the series

Here is the second