For the fourth installment of the Cowboy Font Revival project, I went with Railroad Gothic.Railroad Gothic page in 1909 American Type Founders Specimen Book & CatalogueI think this typeface is ugly. There is a prevailing amateurish and inconsistent quality to these letters. Look at how in the above specimen the “S” appears thinner then other...
For the third installment of the Cowboy Font Revival project, I decided to go with Engravers Bold.Engravers Bold page in 1909 American Type Founders Specimen Book & CatalogueIt’s an elegant font that has found its way into common usage over the years. I currently have a bottle of wine with these letters on them. I also felt unsatisfied with ...
For the second installment in the Cowboy Font Revival project, I went to the same source as I did for the Copperplate Gothic Revival. I went snooping around early 1900s American Type Founders catalogs. There is no shortage of interesting typefaces to be found among the listings, no doubt more will grace the Cowboy Collective with their charm as ...
Truth be told, I have a bit of an obsession with typography. When I’m not contributing to the Cowboy Collective, I’m making fonts over at my foundry, indestructible type*. It is only natural, then, to combine these two passions of mine and produce a series of cowboy fonts for the collective.Thus, I am starting the Cowboy Font Revival project. My...
I interpreted this song to be the story of a dead cowboy, haunted by his conscience and the traumas of the past, to pursue therapy in the afterlife. The music video follows this narrative.The video offers a novel and goofy take on how a cowboy handles the built up trauma of a lifetime. The cowboy remains unimpassioned throughout, still close hea...